Saturday, June 30, 2012

Study tour group

Our study group outside the palace!

Location:Imperial Palace Tokyo, Japan

Visit to the Tokyo City Hall and Edo Tokyo History Museum

Today we took the subway to see the Tokyo City Hall and the observation deck with a high view of the city. It was very beautiful. From there we took the train to the Edo Tokyo Museum.

A cutey on the subway...

A sign posted outside the subway, near the museum...

At the museum, we were special guests and met by scholars who shared the history of Japan and the museum with us. We learned more about how Tokyo became the capital city.

Here is a picture of a copy of the end of war agreement between Japan and the U. S. at the end of WWII...

Today I am going off with Megumi, my wonderful tour guide from my last trip to Japan. We are visiting Kawagoe! I will post more about that when I return!


Friday, June 29, 2012

Shibuya Station

After a full day of music, museums, and interesting food, three of us took the subway (by ourselves!) to Shibuya Station! We saw the Hachiko statue (read Hachiko Waits by Leslea Newman):

And then we crossed the busiest intersection in the world, where almost 500,000 pedestrians cross the street each day.

Waiting for the green light:

All crossing in every direction at the same time, as music is played over loud speakers (yes, those are people as far as you can see over to the stores on the other side!):

All in all, a busy and tiring and wonderful first day in Tokyo!

Location:Tokyo, Japan

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Miyagi Michio Kimenkan Museum

Our first day in Tokyo. We saw the outside of the Imperial Palace.

Then on to the Miyagi Michio Kimenkan Museum to learn about the famous koto player, Miyagi Michio. I tried playing the koto on my Japanese home stay in 2006. It is a beautiful sounding instrument.

We spent some time in the afternoon with Christopher Blasdel with traditional movement to modern butoh.



We are here! After a long flight from Chicago, we arrived early into Narita airport outside of Tokyo. We took local and express trains to our hotel near Ueno Park.

A group of us went out for some local food. Here is my dinner: vegetable and salt ramen. It was delicious!

Now it is off to bed, as we have a full day planned for tomorrow!



Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Orientation in Chicago

Today we spent the entire day learning what to expect when we get to Japan and just how we should get along as visitors in Japan. Here we are playing Memory with Japanese kanji characters. It was hard, but fun!

We had three speakers come in and make presentations. The first one spoke about Japan's view of WWII and the Yasukuni Shrine for Japanese soldiers who have died in battle, including Kamikaze pilots. (The Shrine is not held in favor by all Japanese.) We will visit the shrine when we are in Tokyo!

Our second and third speakers were a mother, who was born in Japan and now lives in the US, and her adult daughter who is Japanese-American. They moved back to Japan for 2 years when the daughter was 8-10 yrs. old. She talked with us about how it was to live in Japan as a Japanese-American and go to school. It was difficult for her, because even though she looks the same as the other students, she was bullied and discriminated against. They moved back to the US, and then the daughter went back to Japan for graduate school. Their presentation was so interesting!

We fly to Japan tomorrow afternoon. I'll write more in this blog once we settle in Tokyo! I. CAN'T. WAIT. :)

Location:Chicago, IL

Monday, June 25, 2012

Travel begins today! First flight to Chicago.

I'm at the Rochester airport waiting for my flight to Chicago! So my trip is really beginning!

We are going to have a day of orientation in Chicago tomorrow and then fly to Tokyo on Wednesday. I am looking forward to meeting the group of 12 teachers and 2 leaders today.